Business mission to Germany
Waste and recycling technologies
Presentation BMWK: Market entry program, 20.9.
Delegation brochure
Agenda of the week with short profiles for site visits
Agenda Business Forum, 20.09.22, Hamburg
Presentation Business Scout for Development, 20.9.
Presentation EULER HERMES, 20.9.
Overview: Waste management and recycling in Germany, 20.9.
Company presentation EUWELLE, 20.9.
Company presentation Eggersmann, 20.9.
Company presentation WEHRLE Werk, 20.9.
Company presentation Waste incineration plant, 20.9.: Upload will follow asap
Company presentation FAUN / Kirchhoff, 22.9.: Upload will follow asap
Company presentation Tietjen Verfahrenstechnik, 23.9.
market expansion and sustainability experts